Who are we?
Dance. It's how we bring out the 'you' in each child. Our term long programs are built to support the Western Australian primary school curriculum and encourage confidence and resilience in the school community.
With a combined 55 years of teaching experience, our directors believe that dance is a fantastic vehicle to educate through all curriculum areas.
We are Perth's best school dance program using a student-centred approach to teaching. Partnered with Act Belong Commit, our programs heavily align with supporting the mental health of young children, building confidence and resilience.
Our Programs
Personalised Program

Treetops Montessori School
"...Their management of students was impressive and a pleasure to watch.
I've never seen someone with the ability to manage a group of very, very excitable students together just so easily. You should see it, she has almost non-verbal control and it's quite something to watch.
If she ever decides to become a school teacher, we have a job waiting for her! Thank you very much Jaimie from Schools Go Dance!"

Ardross Primary School
"Andrea had asked prior to the lesson about ways she could manage behaviours. She incorporated language used by the staff as well as our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school expectations - Be Respectful, Be Resilience, Be Responsible and Be Safe, which was fantastic. Staff were impressed by Andrea's calm approach and ability to learn all of the children's names by the end of their first lesson.
We look forward to a wonderful partnership with Schools go Dance."

Mercy College -
Jarryd Price (music teacher)
"...The pedagogical knowledge of how to impart movement, structure, expression and energy to a wide range of abilities in such a short amount of time was outstanding."